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suara emas bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "suara emas"
  • suara:    speech; voice; cheep; tone; audio; auditory
  • emas:    gold; golden; au; precious metal; atomic number
  • emas:    gold; golden; au; precious metal; atomic number 79; gilded
  • suara:    speech; voice; cheep; tone; audio; auditory sensation; vocalization; articulation; vocalisation; expression; vox; vocalism; pronunciation; vocalize; vocal; phone; message; vocalise; sound; noise; vo
  • air emas:    gilt; gilding
  • amalgam-emas:    gold-amalgam
  • apel emas:    golden apple
  • balok emas:    gold block
  • batang emas:    bar of gold
  • berlapis emas:    auriferous; gold-bearing
  • beruang emas:    golden bear
  • berwarna emas:    gold coloured
  • bidang emas:    hexahedron
  • bijih emas:    gold-ore
  • bongkah emas:    nugget
  • There's the colour of wines in her eyes.
    matanya pink. suara emas.
  • First up, their parents are rich and their voices are golden
    Pertama-tama, orang tua mereka kaya dan suara emas mereka
  • Them vocals is golden, dude.
    Mereka punya suara emas, bung.
  • "She can't hear or see, but she has a voice of gold."
    "dia tidak bisa mendengar atau melihat, tapi dia memiliki suara emas.
  • She was the best known of the seven, nicknamed the "Golden Voice", and had a concurrent movie career until 1954.
    Ia adalah orang yang paling terkenal dari ketujuh bintang tersebut, yang berjuluk "Suara Emas", dan berkarier dalam dunia film sampai 1953.
  • When she was fourteen, she won second prize in a singing contest in Shanghai and was given the nickname "Golden Voice" (金嗓子) for her effortless high-pitched melodies.
    Ketika ia berusia empat belas tahun, ia memenangkan penghargaan kedua dalam sebuah kontes menyanyi di Shanghai dan diberi julukan "Suara Emas" (金嗓子).
  • The dream of being a singer is something worth to be expressed. If there is an opportunity, whatever the form is, you should try it. Isn't it useless to have a golden voice just to miss the opportunity before your eyes?
    Sahabat Enzim – Cita-cita jadi penyanyi jangan kamu pendam begitu, Sahabat Enzim. Jika ada kesempatan terbuka, apapun bentuknya, layak kamu coba. Percuma dong sudah punya suara emas tapi melewatkan kesempatan di depan mata begitu saja?